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My Universe,And I 广州外校爱莎文华IB课程首届微电影大赛颁奖典礼精彩回顾
2023-05-09 11:20:19

My Universe,And I 广州外校爱莎文华IB课程首届微电影大赛颁奖典礼精彩回顾

广州外国语学校爱莎文华 IBDP课程第一届微电影大赛颁奖礼完满结束!本次微电影大赛旨在以新颖的主题活动锻炼学生与人合作的能力,鼓励学生发挥思维创造力,并在同学们将想法落地的过程中提高同学们的协作能力,创造 IB 社区良好的向上的创造氛围

The award ceremony of the first Micro Film Competition of Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme came to a successful conclusion! This competition with creative theme activities aims to exercise students' ability to cooperate with others, encourage students to use their thinking and creativity, and improve their collaboration ability in the process of putting their ideas into practice, to create a good and positive atmosphere in the IB community.  



We look forward to tapping the potential and possibilities of our students in the process of  implementing the IB programme, providing students with a broad stage for their development and growth, and finally having students understand themselves and the world in practice.



Let's take a look at the highlights of the award ceremony!